No Doc Commercial Property Loans Overview
What do No Doc commercial lenders look for? With No Doc Commercial property loans, as well as sound commercial security, lenders need to know the borrower can pay back the loan. For this reason they focus on
Sound Commercial Security looking at the quality and location of the asset being offered, and
Exit Strategy as to how the commercial loan is to be repaid
Loan size Minimum loan size is $300,000. Most No Doc commercial finance is done up to $1m. No maximum loan size.
Term From 1 year to 3 years. No Doc commercial property loans are normally only for a short term, as they are meant to be used as in between loan.
- 45%
- 65% unlimited, and assessed on its merits
Indicative No Doc Rates As a guide, for standard No Doc commercial properties, variable rates normally start from around 6.3%